Share Your Knowledge and be Paid For it...
Kajabi is the platform that I utilize to host my websites and to present my larger online courses.
Free GiftKajabi is an all-in-one platform that makes it easy to create online courses, launch marketing campaigns, build landing pages, manage customers, and design the perfect website.
If you like what I have made and have knowledge of your own to share with others, then maybe Kajabi is for you?
- Integrated subscriptions, courses and digital products.
- Everything in one place for the online teacher.
- Work smarter & enjoy the journey.
- Be paid on your terms.
- If you have a digital product you want to market & sell then look within to see if Kajabi is for you?
- If you sign up for The Kajabi Treasure Map below and the inner voice guides you to go with Kajabi then I have a bonus gift!
- Bonus Gift: For those that sign up underneath my affiliate link you will be gifted The Course Cure Treasure Hunt.
- The word “Kajabi” is an aboriginal word meaning “to take flight” and describes the effect this popular platform can have on your dreams in time.

Kajabi is for those that know what they want to do and are determined to make their dreams come true. It is for those looking towards the marathon and not the sprint. Seeking teaching online.
Kajabi Pricing

Kajabi will teach you how to take your knowledge to market & sell to the world. Are you ready to live your dream life, instead of being punished by your nightmare? If so, then try their free trial.
Kajabi Homepage

Thinking Kajabi might be for you, but not sure? Dive into a free treasure map to see if the right mind is guiding you towards this all-in-one digital platform. Trust your inner voice, for it knows best.
The Kajabi Treasure Map
Why Kajabi?
They Are Great At What They Do
Kajabi is for those that have knowledge to sell online. If you want to create courses and invest in your business, then see if they are the right platform for you. They have a free trial. They have the Kajabi University, which I advise you to look into. However, I have found that Kajabi is for those looking for a long-term investment, not a short-term gain. For example, I was building my online business for many, many years prior to launching. As I was seeking to set up a Truforgiveness University.
It is an investment in yourself. So, if you are ready to believe in yourself, do the work that it takes to succeed, and want to work with the best in their field, then try Kajabi and see if it's a good fit.
Ready to Change the World?
If you are ready to change the world and be paid to do it then see whether Kajabi is the platform to house your digital dream.
Does online teaching call to you? Are you an expert in your field? Do others need what you have? Do you have a passion for sharing your gifts with people?
Remember, listen to the inner voice for you will need to be courageous and committed to seeing this dream come true.
When I was first beginning to build The Treasure Map, I wanted to publish a book and continue to stay hidden. But God had other ideas. When I was guided to build a knowledge-based website I had a dream. I was told that I needed to go with Kajabi for they were the best in the business. And I needed the best based upon what I would one day do.
What Is Your Passion?
What do you feel you were born to do? Can technology help you to achieve your dreams? Do you desire to change the world for the better and be paid to do it? Are you after the digital nomad life to work where you want and when?
You see, you must be passionate as the profits come for those that love what they do. You have to be in it for the purpose, not the pay. I cannot tell you if Kajabi is for you, but if it is, you will know it.
Honestly, for years I worked for free, building my business and brand. There is nothing more that I would want to do than The Treasure Map of Truforgiveness. Find what you love, exceed at that, and then the money will come. For money comes where love has been made welcome.
Are you interested in Kajabi for yourself?
Dive into The Kajabi Choice Treasure Map Giftbook to see if this is the right path for your e-commerce business. And for those that do sign up underneath my affiliate link you will receive a few giftbooks and meditations to assist to get your course correct.
The Kajabi Choice Treasure Map Giftbook
Allow The Treasure Map to help you to decide what is the right option for you...
*Your details will be kept private and will not be willingly shared by myself with others
The digital nomad life!
I promise, you start to truly forgive with Truforgiveness and your picture in time begins to correct. You see without what is within, so when you mentally dig within and clean it up, you swap the nightmare for the happy dream in time.
If you want to love the work you do, start to forgive the shadows until all that remain is the truth of Perfect Love. Then, work from where you desire and when you want, if you are ready to be your own boss.
In fact, the true freedom that you seek to find is the release from the ego-mind that is home to lack, loss, and lovelessness. Reclaim the right mind and you will know the power of Perfect Love.
What is your passion?
People are now selling physical products from Kajabi and using this platform to replace their old digital home. As they do everything. It is like having your own tech team standing behind you. However, they are best for course creators. Are you a yoga teacher and looking to extend your reach? Perhaps you are a music teacher and ready to reach different continents? Maybe you design digital products and eager to teach others how to do this?
Whatever your reasoning is to get up out of bed to do what you do, look within to see if Kajabi is the teaching platform for you. There are many others on the market, but if you want to be the best then you need to look at who the best is for you.

I love Kajabi that much I became an affiliate for them.
For those that do decide to sign up with Kajabi underneath my affiliate link, I receive 30% commission on your spend. However, I truly love Kajabi, and whilst this is my digital home, I wanted to invite you in.
Is Kajabi Correct For You?
If you are just not sure if Kajabi is the right path for you, dive into a free treasure map and allow the right mind to guide the way that is written within.
What is right for one might not be correct for another. So listen to the inner voice for it knows the best path for you to follow. And for those that do decide to try the free trial that Kajabi offers, I gift you with a treasure hunt to assist to correct your course. Over 15+ hours of Truforgiveness practice to help to remove the fear and to extend love that is satisfying and successful.
You have nothing to lose, except your barriers that keep you trapped to lack, loss, and limitation.
Find Out NowWhat You Might Like to Know...
What is Kajabi?
Kajabi Costs...
The Guarantee
Bonus Gift...
The Correct Course Gift
For those that do sign up for Kajabi underneath my affiliate link you will receive treasure maps - giftbooks & inward meditations - to assist you to build the best course. From the right mind of Perfect Love.
By removing the darkness within you will extend light that grants the happy dream in time. It is from this mind of wholeness and holiness you seek to build your course, for it is free from guilt it seeks not to hurt or harm.
To receive this gift that is valued at a few hundred dollars, ensure you sign up underneath my affiliate link. And whilst I will not be able to determine if you do so or not, if you do you will be sent an automatic email with this gorgeous gift.