The Right Leaders
Truforgiveness Leadership
The new world has arrived, and it is time to fill it with leaders of truth, trust & totality

What Is Within
In this first module you will have a chance to correct what is within. This includes self-belief, respect, power, positivity, etc.

What Is Without
In this second module you will work on cleaning up what you see in time. From your connections to your audience.

Where Are You Going
In this final module you will gain access to the right mind that will reveal the true direction for you.

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Break Through The Ceiling
A Truforgiveness Leader continues to clean up the hurdles that seek to conceal their light. Unwilling to play by the rules the ego has made.

Extend The Light
To be a great leader is to allow the light of the right mind to extend without, illuminated time, and blessing without burden.

The Right Way
It is time to allow the right mind to lead. For the right-minded leader continues to correct their perception from separate to the same.
The Right-Minded Leader
For too long the world of form has been led by the leaders of the wrong mind of ego thinking. That teaches success via competition, and not completion. In Truforgiveness Leadership you will be guided to reclaim the light of the right mind that is perfect, peaceful and powerful. And it teaches kindness not cruelty.
In all honesty, the ego-mind of separation and specialness is no match for the wholeness and holiness of Oneness. Yes, the right leaders are being prepared to step forward. As they remember the Self that God created: The One that is innocent and not guilty. Ready to extend their light into time, allowing God to lead us from time and into eternity. Awakening from the dream of death in duality.