The Business Meditations

The greatness you seek belongs to the right mind to where The Treasure Map takes you. In these business meditations you will be removing the darkness that keeps you trapped to pain, punishment, and problems

  The Cleaning Within

Meditation PLUS Giftbook
$50.00 Each Purchase

By the time you complete your inward meditation you will have uncovered a little light that will assist you to build your good and great dream in time.
Body Movement



Find your business mission

Body Movement


Be Seen

Be recognized for your work

Work Smarter not Harder

Change your mind from wrong to right, to access the power of Perfect Love that is beyond anything the belief in separation from Source could make.

Calm Bladder

Right Way

The right way belongs to the right mind that is free from guilt it cannot fail

Calm Bladder


This belongs to the light within that knows innocence not sin or separation

Calm Bladder

Happy Success

To be happy with your success is to move through the light of grace and not the darkness of guilt

What is Inside

Each purchase includes a treasure map meditation, as well as a giftbook and true prayer. The inward meditations run for 90 minutes, and the giftbooks are set to take around 90+ minutes to journal.

To Forgive Within... 

If you want to do something with your life and to be someone then locate the right mind that knows wholeness. From here you will swap problems for peace and build upon the rock of Perfect Love. This is where safety and security sit and allows your dreams to be made instead of your nightmare. 

Become vigilant to purify your thinking with the Truforgiveness of The Treasure Map and you will make miracles your own. The key is to not get caught in the darkness. So, if you should stumble upon an iceberg of guilt you simply continue to truly forgive it, until all the darkness has been dissolved and only love remain. From here, the success you seek will be known, as this truth of Perfect Love will then extend outward and illuminate your world in time.
